Monday, October 13, 2014

Felt So Good 70+ Felted and Plain Wool Designs For You and Your Home by Tone Rørseth

Such an exciting book review!  I was given the opportunity to review this book from Sellers Publishing and I was immediately excited!  I went straight to the internet to check out a preview of the book.  You can check out the preview on Amazon here.  I was antsy and stalked our mailman and the delivery guys until it finally arrived!  I am just getting in to felting (aside from accidentally felting fleeces- oops!) and I was really excited to start flagging projects to do.

Felt So Good 70+ Felted Plain Wool Designs For You and Your Home by Tone Rørseth
Another beautiful cover!  The projects immediately draw you in and there are examples of easy and more advanced items on the cover which is nice because it brings in advanced felters and doesn't scare off newer felters.  The author's forward says it all with "You only need a little enthusiasm and imagination.  No education in crafts is necessary."

The Basics
The book has a quick well written summary of the materials used in the projects and well written information on the techniques used for the projects.  Coming from a fiber background I can suggest both roving and top.  For felting both work well and I will include some fiber information at the end of this review for good felting fibers.  The book is very well printed and all of the photography is lovely.  I didn't expect any less from an author who is also a photo stylist though.  (She is pretty awesome!  I will get to that later too.)  The back of the book is loaded with patterns.  They are positioned well on the page so that you do not do much damage to the spine of your book when you copy them.  You can purchase the book directly from the publisher here.  It is also available on Amazon and Barnes & Noble.  

All of the projects are well written and easy to follow.  Every one of the project instructions is very simple and concise.  Seriously the hardest thing in any of the projects is sewing which can easily be done by hand if you do not own a machine or do not know how to operate one.  For a lot of the projects if you have crafting supplies or old wool clothing on hand you may not need to purchase anything at all!  I love impromptu crafting especially because the nearest craft store is two towns away!  As I read each project I took note of the projects that I can do without buying any supplies and flagged those and I flagged a few that I wanted to pick up some new supplies for and a few projects I have in mind for craft time with my kids.  As a mother of two young children it is double points for projects that I can get my kids involved in.  Especially things that my under 2 year old can help with! I have already started a few Braided Headbands for my daughter and my niece.  I also have roving all sectioned out and ready to make the Necklace with Felted Wool Balls, My husband also has surgery this week so I specially dyed some roving for him to create the Bird Pincushion while he is home.

The Author
Tone Rørseth has a background in jewelry making and design.  She is a graduate from the Beckmans School of Design in Stockholm, Sweden.  She got in to felting when her little one started school and she joined a felting group with the other moms.  It inspired her to create this wonderful book after she realized how easy and rewarding it is to felt.  I spent some time trying to find some more of her work but just about everything is in a foreign language.  The book after all is Scandinavian felt designs. Nevertheless it is very apparent that she is very competent at what she does.  She is also a photo stylist for various interior design magazines.  (She is on the inside for trending fashions!)

Final Breakdown

I am very excited to be doing crafts from this book.  I ordered some felt and picked up some from the craft store.  It was a little short for my headbands so I improvised on the first ones and Tone even says to make the projects your own.  I used some cream felt, a 1/4 inch orange ribbon and a 1/2 inch brown ribbon and I am going to add the orange flower to it for a real fall inspired headband.  I raided my craft closet and picked out numerous ribbons to use in headbands.  I cannot wait until my longer felt comes in!  I am also on the hunt at local thrift shops for sweaters to complete a few projects.  My kids and I are going to make Wool Ball Necklaces this week.  We were unfortunately delayed last week by the lack of skewers in our household.  Oops!  All of the patterns seem very easy to create and would be great projects for a lot of ages so you can get your kids involved too or give the book as a gift to older kids or teenagers too!  I think a lot of the projects would definitely catch a teen's eye and keep them busy!  I really enjoyed how easy the book is.  Simple but all of the projects are very lovely.  They would make great handmade gifts or for your holiday craft festivals or stock items for your online shop.  I would definitely recommend this book to others.  Especially those who really enjoy wool or fiber in general but don't know where to start.  There is a lot you can do with very little investment.

Fiber Supplies
I have learned the hard way what will not felt so please let me share the knowledge that a very large group of fiber junkies has shared with me: down breeds just don't felt.  Not how you want them to.  It is easy to find people willing to share fiber.  Different types of wool are great for different  purposes and some are multipurpose.  Merino is a great felting fiber.  Look for plain Merino not a blend and be sure to make sure it is not super wash.  Super wash is specifically intended to not felt.  Suffolk and Southdown also do not felt well- if at all and neither does silky mohair.  (Oops!)  I can say though that Targhee, Cheviot, Rambouillet, and BFL all felt well.  Merino is what has been recommended to me time and time again.

As far as tools you don't have to look to far!  Michaels carries a ton of different felting tools and they are reasonably priced.  You can also get felt and small bits of roving there too,  I will write a post specifically about fiber products in the next few days with more information.

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Simply Samplers: Easy Techniques for Hand Embroidery by Cheryl Fall REVIEW

I was given the wonderful opportunity by Stackpole Books to review another book!  I have reviewed two really awesome books they have published by Kristi Simpson and when I was presented with the opportunity to review a book about the first type of needlework I was introduced to I jumped on it!

Simply Sampers: Easy Techniques for Hand Embroidery by Cheryl Fall

To start the cover immediately grabs your attention.  It is emblazoned with beautiful perfect hand stitched band sampler.  It showcases all of the basic technique stitches.  It really shows off what you can do and your beautiful needlework.

The Basics:

The book is really well written and very easy to follow.  There are great photos of the different variations of needles, fabric and notions with clear descriptions so that you are prepared for your project.  The book is written well enough with enough instruction and introduction to basic stitches and supplies that I feel even an inexperienced person could get good use out of it.  I was taught very simple stitches and not very many proper techniques as I learned from my Mom and Grandma while they worked on their own projects.

There are clear instructions with graphics to show precisely how to complete the different stitches that are used in the book.  There is also an entire chapter on finishing your projects.

A preview of the book can be found on Stackpole's website here.

The Patterns:
The patterns are all situated very well on the page so that it is easy to copy them for enlarging or for tracing.  I have seen some books where the patterns are printed really close to the inside of the book and the book becomes damaged while trying to make copies.  This is definitely not the case here.  All of the patterns really showcase each of the stitches that are used very well.  The patterns really pop.  They are all very well thought out and have the perfect amount of function and whimsy.

Shamrock Pattern

I tried to decide on a favorite but I really like all of them.  I can see myself using just about each pattern.  I am currently working on the Shamrock Sampler.  I think I may spin my own thread and make another even!  After not touching my embroidery hoop in years this was a great project to jump back in with.

The Author
Cheryl Fall is a notable figure in the needlework world.  She has written over a dozen books and thousands of articles!  She designs, works up, photographs and illustrates all of her own work.  She runs and extensive website with articles, tips, and a plethora of knowledge.  If you are a fan of PBS you may have seen her on The Creative Life with Cheryl Fall.  Her bio is really impressive.  She first started as a little girl watching her mother and grandmother and now she is an entrepreneur. (She is also a crocheter!  I have to make sure I got that in here!)

Final Breakdown 
I was honestly impressed with the quality of the book, the set up of the pages and ease of use when needing to reference stitches, thread colors and brushing up on my embroidery.  I really loved how simple the book is written so that even I could jump right in to it after being on an embroidery hiatus for the last few years.  It has really reignited my love for embroidery work.  I personally started as a teenager after reading The Scarlet Letter.  I had watched my Mom and Grandmother embroider all kinds of things from pillowcases and table runners to a coveted quilt that my Grandma hand embroidered for my brother.  A queen sized one!  Each square was embroidered!  So I learned from my Mom and only picked up a few stitches and I quickly made a beautiful book cover to protect my book in my backpack and I made a matching one for my teacher.

If you are an experienced needlework artist (if you can do needlework you are indeed an artist) this is a great book to add to your library.  The book features a lot of really beautiful designs that anyone is sure to swoon over!  If you are just starting out there are a lot of projects that are extremely easy to do.  There is a good amount of basics to refresh your memory or give you some direction before you start and plenty of really great patterns that will really show off your new skill.

If you are interested in the book you can buy it here from Stackpole Books or here from Amazon.

Please stay tuned for photos of my Shamrock Sampler.  Life got really crazy these last few weeks and it is staring me down, unfinished.  I made a quick realization that my hand is a lot shakier at almost 30 than it was when I would trace patterns as a teenager for my Mom! 

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

We Made The News!

Our Kickstarter project, Yarn With A Purpose, made the news!  How awesome is that?

Here is the info:

We were featured on CraftLit: A Podcast for Crafters Who Love Books Here is the link it is at 16:10 and there is a link on the page:

 We were featured by Your Take by USA TODAY.

 Crochet Concupiscence included us in her online blog:

 The Crooked Yarn also featured us!

Strength In Scarves featured us in their September updates:

If you are not familiar with CraftLit I highly suggest checking it out.  The website is pretty cool and the podcasts are really great.  I didn't know if I would be interested but it was really good!  I can't wait for Sherlock Holmes to start.  I really think I will start listening on nights when I am spinning or crocheting after my kids are in bed so I can listen to the whole Sherlock Holmes series! 

    Tuesday, September 9, 2014

    Where We Are: Yarn Shop News & Yarn With A Purpose Kickstarter BIG NEWS!

    As you may have assumed things got crazy again.  Good crazy this time thankfully!  I have so, so, so much to share!

    Let's dive right in to the crazies!

    There is a NEW Yarn Shop on the Block! 
    If you have not heard Kristi Simpson opened her (first) storefront!  Brick and mortar and all!  It is called In The Loop and it is located in Hartselle, AL.  Just before opening the store she gave me the amazing opportunity to have my yarns featured!  Of course I was elated and then the reality hit.  Where in the world am I going to get a significant variety of materials to create enough yarn to send?  How in the world am I going to get enough mill spun yarn to offer some variety?  We will get back to that in just a minute let's get back to the yarn store.  In The Loop is not just your average yarn shop!  Kristi has a studio in the shop so you can have awesome portraits done and she features quite a few other artisans that sell completed crochet and knit items and accessories!  (You should really see the Memory Rose stitch markers I think they are my favorite!  Or better yet custom order a pair from a special set of roses you received and you will be able to enjoy them every day!)  There are different classes that are offered so you can learn a new craft.   One of the coolest things though and one of the things I am saddest about because I live so far away is the shop's Yarn In!!  Seriously a yarn in!  Every Wednesday from 9 until the shop clears out you can just come and sit and chat and if you get around to it work on something.  With all that yarn though trying to decide on ONE project might be tough!  If I ever make it back towards Alabama I might never leave the shop!  If you stop in you might also get a sneak peek of something new that Kristi is working on! Kristi is a true inspiration.  She started off selling a hat on eBay and is now a successful author, designer, teacher, photographer and store owner!

    This is Where Kickstarter Comes In 
    Given such an amazing opportunity to have my yarns featured in a storefront.  My husband and I sat and talked about what would make the biggest impact.  We settled on using all American resources and wool from American farms and ranches.  My husband brought up the fact that we are always talking about conservation breeds and that we plan on raising some ourselves when he gets out of the military so we settled on specifically conservation breeds.  To be able to financially undertake such a project we turned to Kickstarter.  As a part of our project we took it a little farther.  On top of including tags for breed and ranch information on each skein we are also going to be doing demonstrations for school aged children and teaching kids about the process of making textiles from raw wool.  The Kickstarter is our kick start to raising awareness for these breeds.  Our backers get to read about the project and why it is so important and meaningful for the breeds, the ranchers and to us.  Each month the backers will also receive e-Newsletters to let them follow our progress.  There are a number of different reward options and some people chose to get yarn, some chose to get roving or tools.  I could go on and on about our Kickstarter.  It is going to be such an amazing thing!  Then it got even crazier!


    Take 5 & Your Take by USA Today
    This week I was contacted by a reporter at USA Today about featuring one of my photos in their Take 5 section.  I was very excited about the opportunity and we exchanged correspondence with each other. Today I was made aware that they are going to do a special feature on my yarns!  Seriously!  I am still in total shock right now.  My readers are the first to hear this incredible news!  So, tomorrow September 10th at 6 AM PST the feature will go live on USA Today.  Then at 8 AM EST it will be featured on Facebook and then it will be featured throughout the day on Twitter! How absolutely terrific is that?  So this is the official early update on it!  I will post more about the feature tomorrow!! 

    Friday, July 18, 2014

    A&D Boutique is Making A Comeback!

    I know that over the last year a lot of stuff has been on the back burner.  Life happens and with that our life evolves, things change, some things get crazy and some things level out.  In our "life storm" as I call it I have been working my booty off to build up my business so that I can re-open with a big bang.  Here is a wonderful quote that I have been living by recently:  "Life is like a shipwreck, but we must not forget to sing in the lifeboats." - Voltaire.

    I have been singing my lungs out.  I have spent quite a bit of time learning new techniques and learning new crafts so that I can include more things in my Etsy store and offer more at the shows and fairs that I will be starting to do this Fall/ Winter.  I have also been taking classes to better my small craft business.  It all comes down to making a better product and experience for my customers.

    "Life is like a shipwreck, but we must not forget to sing in the lifeboats" -Voltaire

    Working Towards Re-Launch
    During my work towards a re-launch of my Etsy store I have learned how to make jewelry, spin yarn, design beautiful art yarn, dye fiber using multiple techniques and I have been working on a LOT of crochet projects. Knitting is coming soon too as my Mom has requested a knitted sweater for Christmas.

    These are examples of a necklace and bracelet that I learned how to make.

    Focusing on All The Right Stuff
    I have wondered if investing the time in to my Etsy business is worth it.  Not speaking monetarily of course because I have some of the greatest customers but in terms of using the time to focus on other things.  I realized that my business is not just work.  It is my outlet.  It is a love that I have that nourishes my soul that keeps me grounded.  Art has always been a great love for me.  Pretty much any kind of art.  I learned how to do wood burning as a young kid.  I have loved photography since I can remember and I got my first camera TWENTY YEARS AGO!  Okay that makes me feel old.  I have dabbled in so many different arts and it is very important for me to share the love with my own children.  I realized that by working on my business and showing my kids a good work ethic even though I am a stay at home Mom it teaches them that you can live a balanced life even if you are a SAHM.  Hopefully it sends a very positive message to my kids. Not to mention by doing projects with my kids and sharing my love for art it is teaching my kids to love and appreciate art as well.  My son absolutely loves to dye fiber with me.  It doesn't matter if we are dying yarn or roving or wool locks he is the first one to the counter in the kitchen.  He probably gets more excited than I do.  Now where does my husband fit in to all of this?  I have not mentioned him at all so far.  In my quest to learn how to spin yarn and learn about dyeing my husband has picked up his own love for fiber.  He has a greater appreciation for a slower life and when he gets out of the military his plan is for us to ranch and have a flock of sheep.  His choice of the breed of the sheep changes pretty regularly still as he learns more but it is still the plan.  He is devoting a lot of his time to learning all he can about ranching and animal sciences and of course about fiber.  He knows more of the specifics about more fibers than I do now.  He is also getting everything set up so that he can go back to college (hopefully this Fall) so that he can start working on his degree with an emphasis on ranch management and animal sciences.  What a bunch of crazy changes huh?

    Some super pink "Red House Original" yarn.  
    100% Organic California wool and was dyed with food grade dyes.  

    Ready, Set, GO! 
    Over the next few weeks I will be getting all of my stock photos together so that I can plan a soft launch the first week of August and a full launch the second part of August.  I am coming back full force and utilizing a business plan and setting short and long term goals.  I am very thankful for CreativeLive's amazing online workshops for making me realize that I am not just a crafter.  I am a business person and even though I am not looking for a business loan and I am not opening a brick and mortar store (at this point anyway) it does not take away from the fact that I am a business person.  I have an office and stock and inventory with a closet full of supplies and the tools and knowledge to make beautiful products.

    Baby Z wearing a camo newsboy hat and diaper cover set.

    What to Expect 
    One thing that I am really excited about is I am selling items I have in stock.  There will be very few orders for custom items and they will all be done through direct client purchases and not through my Etsy.  It really cuts the stress down exponentially this way.  I will be doing bi-weekly shipping on orders on Tuesdays and Thursday or Friday depending on if it is a holiday weekend (I live on an active military base with an under active post office).  I will be offering the option of custom dyed yarn and fiber as I add things to my shop.  Of course if there is something anyone would like to see that is not listed a quick email will likely get the item listed as soon as possible.  This also helps if you are looking for custom dyed yarn or fiber as I won't carry every conceivable variation of colors.  I will also start featuring new fiber items I have never offered before like nuno felted scarves and felted art pieces.  Another awesome new feature will include information on the pattern used in the product descriptions.  I work mainly with RAKJpatterns and that is a big part of who I am as a crocheter and I am always sharing the brand so I think for those who see something and love it and it sparks an interest in learning crochet it gives them a push in the right direction.  That is how I started and I think it is a great way for me to pay it forward in my business.

    Ocean Air Cloche hat in Berroco Merino/ Silk yarn hand dyed "berries" colorway.

    Call to Other Bloggers!! 
    I wanted to include a call to other bloggers in this post.  Specifically bloggers who crochet or knit or use yarn for crafting.  As I develop my selection of hand spun yarns I would love to send some samples or mini skeins out to be tested by other bloggers who will make something with the yarn and write a blog about it.  I would also be interested in fashion, handmade, crafting etc. blogs doing an article on a finished piece of work.  I would send you a piece from my collection and you would write a review on it.  If you are interested in either of these options please let me know by email at

    Call to Photographers!!
    A part of my letting some things go will be letting some of the photography go as well.  This calls for a great need for newborn photographers.  At this point I know that I cannot dedicate enough time to newborn photography and I am actively looking for a wonderful photographer to partner up with to handle model photography with my newborn items in exchange for some awesome new props for their studio.  If you are interested or know someone who may be interested please have them contact me at
    Stay Tuned for More Exciting Information 
    From A&D Boutique 

    Monday, March 31, 2014

    Mommy & Me Crocheted Hats by Kristi Simpson- REVIEW

    Kristi Simpson of RAKJpatterns has a new book that was released April 1, 2014!  Her hands have been on fire!  That is good news for us fiber artisans though because this book just like the last does not disappoint! So here it is!

    Mommy & Me Crocheted Hats by Kristi Simpson was published by Stackpole Books and can be found on their website here.  There is also an awesome preview of the book available there too.  I was really excited today when my son came in carrying my book from the mail.  He was just as excited as I was!  He sat down and "read" the book first and showed me each and every hat he would like to add to his collection.

    My Experience With Crochet (Snapshot)
    I am still a very, very new crocheter.  Some patterns still absolutely leave me stymied.  I am all about patterns that are easy to follow that produce a very polished and beautiful end result.  The longer you spend trying to figure out a pattern the more you could be crocheting (in my opinion) so ease of use is a big deal to me.  I can complete technical patterns and have a good grasp of crochet and the art of it.  I have been crocheting for three years and I am a huge fan of Kristi Simpson's designs.  They have always been my go to patterns so when she announced a book was in the works I did a little happy dance!

    Breakdown Of The Book
    This book is geared towards sets of hats.  Not a Mommy?  Don't take the title too seriously!  There are Grannies, Daddies featured too!  The main thing though is there are thirty patterns in the book and because it is sets of hats it includes MULTIPLE SIZES for each hat!  That is definitely a WOOO!  So each of the patterns has several sizes to choose from.  Even if your little ones are not so little anymore or you have no intention on ever making an adult sized hat there is a pattern size for you.  I love this about the books.  I've seen some books that have a few great patterns but only in a single size and that just makes me sad!  The book has detailed instructions on how to complete each stitch just in case you need a handy reference while you are working.  There are also full page photos of each of the completed projects as well as smaller photos showing detail and special techniques.  Best of all is all of the photos are in full color which makes it so much easier to follow.  I am a visual learner and having good photos helps so much more than a page of text.  Speaking of text- Kristi has a great writing style.  The patterns are always super easy to follow and the use of abbreviations is kept to a minimum which means the ease of use is a maximized.

    I have worked up many of the hats in the book.  Everyone from beginning crocheters to the most advanced will be satisfied by the patterns in this book.  While they are simple and complicated verbiage is kept to a minimum the finished products are very well designed and they turn out really well.  I am usually crocheting in chaos so being able to follow a pattern without the need to mar my book or figure out some way to mark my place on my computer, phone or Kindle while I go is always a plus for me.  Also, with Kristi's first book she offered to autograph any book that was sent to her.  It may be worth your while to see if she is honoring that with book two.  Get the books autographed!  She will be famous some day! Mark my words!  (I am also a huge fan of having authors autograph their books.)

    My Projects From The Book
    I find it really helpful to see work that others have done from the patterns sometimes.  Because I am still such a newbie to crochet seeing work that was not done by a designer who obviously knows their own work is super helpful.  It gives me some inspiration and confidence too!  So with that here are some of my finished projects from the book:

    I will admit I have a bit of a soft spot for animal hats.  I have two young kids and a gaggle of nephews and nieces and they are all fans of animals.  This is the Horse Hat.  I made this for my husband's cousin who was visiting from out of state.  He loves horses and when he got this hat he was so excited!  He definitely knew exactly what it was and was totally in love with this cutie!  The nose is actually puffy and stands out from the hat with I also love.  3D Can be so much fun in crochet.

    This little sleeping beauty is modeling the Thick & Thin Hat.  I was so excited to finish it I put it right on her while she was asleep.  What was super exciting was just how fast this works up!  If you have ever worked with TnT yarn you know it goes fast.  This was no exception.  If you have not worked with TnT this pattern is absolutely fantastic and I love it.  I especially love that border is in a contrasting yarn because it really shows off the artistic touch of the TnT- and it allows for a cute button stack to not get lost in the work.  I have a few more of these on my to-do list!  (Hopefully with some of my own handspun TnT yarn!)

    My little model once again.  She is modeling the Ocean Air Cloche.  It is my favorite hat from the book.  I love it.  LOVE, LOVE, LOVE it!   It is the perfect hat for any occasion.  You can dress it up or down or vary the color or the look of the yarn to wear it with anything from a nice dress to a pair of jeans and rain boots.  I do also live in California so a lightweight hat is a must have wardrobe staple.  It can be worn summer, winter, spring and fall!  It is nice and warm but airy enough that your head stays cool.  It is also very chic and feminine which I really love too.  I picked a few yarns today to make a few more of these hats!  Plus they work up quick!  Which also means it is perfect for the shop owner!  You can make it in many colors and sizes as a great stock item!

    How super cute is this?  This is the Giggles and Twirls Hat.  It is a really funky and amusing hat to work up and wear!  I love the little twirls the most but the design is different and has a great look to it.  The rows give it great texture and the shape makes it really unusual.  It is super cute.  My son thinks it is really silly and likes to play with it more than my daughter can actually wear it.  He especially likes to put it on his head and fling the twirls around.  Silly kids.  It looks like he needs his own.

    More About the Book, Author & My Involvement 
    I can't say that this book is the easiest crochet book I have ever seen because Kristi's first book Sweet & Simple Baby Crochet is just as easy.  If you have not seen the review of that book it is right here.  This book is really awesome.  There are no professional models used in the book.  Every person who is featured is a real person.  They are not airbrushed or photoshopped to be perfect and there is no over posing.  What you will find is refreshingly awesome.  Real, honest and often silly.  The people modeling the hats could be your neighbor, teacher at school, teller at the bank or classmates/ playmates of your own children.  I love this about the book.  The poses are the real deal.  Real honest interactions between the subjects.  I can honestly say I can't look at the photos without getting a huge smile on my face. 

    Kristi Simpson is the creative half of RAKJpatterns.  There are over 100,000 copies of her patterns in circulation right now.  I would say she is pretty popular!  Hard not to be when your work is stylish, functional, adorably cute and EASY to make!  She started her business as a crocheter and then started selling patterns.  She is a true inspiration.  Her website is here .  Believe me you want to memorize it or bookmark it!  I have established a great blossoming friendship with her and I feel very fortunate to call her a friend.  She is really remarkable and the fact that she has done so much is really remarkable.  I probably would not have stuck with crochet if it was not for her to be honest.  Unfortunately for me I live about two thousand miles away.  I am a big supporter of small business and while RAKJpatterns is growing but is still run by a husband and wife team.  I think that is so great.  I will definitely continue my support!  In the last three years I have been very excited about new designs because there is never a lack of creativity or innovation when it comes to Kristi's designs.

    Oh, did I mention the backgrounds are fake?  Yep, pretty much all of them.  It gives the book a whole new cool factor.  Kristi did all of the photography for the book.  She was working without her own studio (but I hear it is in the works now!) so the best option was to add the backgrounds post production.  Kristi asked me if I would help in that manner in addition to testing patterns and I of course obliged!  How cool is that?! I had such a wonderful time working through all of the photos.  It says a lot of I am still looking back at the photos in the book with a smile on my face after pouring my heart and soul in to editing them a few months ago.  You will seriously fall in love with the patterns and the sweet models that are featured in the book.  I can't wait to see what is next!  

    I will likely elaborate more later and add more photos. :)  Just give me a few days with my new book to allow for some inspiration to happen!

    Whoa Where Did I Go!?

    Hello again!

    I have been on hiatus the last month and I have a ton of stuff to blog about!  We traveled to Texas to see my kids' God-parents get married.  It was an absolutely beautiful ceremony and it was like something in a movie.  Sadly both of my kids ended up sick and my daughter got really sick during wedding photos so we went back to the hotel.  She has been sick since then and just started getting better this week.  SO now I am back and oh boy do I have some exciting stuff to share!

    Among the many awesome things coming up- I AM SPINNING YARN!!  WOO-HOO!  So I will be blogging about that in the near future.  I also came across a bag of eight or nine skeins of beautiful wool/ silk blend yarn that was dirt cheap and in a great color that was almost natural so I have taken to the kitchen to dye my little heart out!  I have dyed some roving as well and started spinning from my hand painted roving too!  Fast forward to today and guess what came in the mail!?  Kristi Simpson from RAKJpatterns has a second book and the official release date is April 1 (tomorrow) and I got mine in the mail today!!  (I feel really cool that I got mine early!)

    As for fitness- for our birthdays (my husband and I have birthdays three days apart) we got FitBits!  I will be blogging about it soon.  It is a neat little tool to use.  I also have some other fitness app recommendations as well.

    So stay tuned!  It is going to be a busy week for this domesticated wife!